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The Great Field

Soul at Play in a Conscious Universe

by John James, PhD


The Great Field is a book and topic whose time has come. We need to explore the nature of life in a way that has never been done before. It is time to experience and accept what we cannot explain. Read on and open your mind to the true nature of life and its mystery. Outer space cannot tell us what exists within us and our inner space and the true nature of The Great Field we are part of and exist within.

—Bernie Siegel, MD
Author, Love, Medicine & Miracles

The Great Field is a provocative synthesis of cutting-edge scientific, spiritual, and therapeutic data supporting the once and future potential of humanity and our place in the universe. It is an inspiring read that will raise questions for some and provide answers for others. It is a book for seekers and a book of hope written from vision and love.

—Jenny Wade
Author, Changes of Mind

The Great Field brings together fascinating and accurate scientific evidence on the power of our souls – in a way that is refreshing, new and vital. A very, very exciting and uplifting book, it gets to the very heart of health and healing.

—Christiane Northrup, MD
Author, Mother-Daughter Wisdom

The soul is one of the most venerable, enduring images of spiritual traditions worldwide. In The Great Field, John James brings new information to this ancient concept, and in so doing helps bridge the worlds of modern science and spirituality, which is one of the most urgent tasks of our time.

—Larry Dossey, MD
Author, The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

Merging current scientific theory with the latest in spiritual study, John James, PH.D. has created a highly unusual read in The Great Field. Science is discovering more and more about the evergy that creates, sustains and makes us unique and individual. As the science progresses, so must the obvious connection between these energy fields and the many theories regarding the soul and/or the spirit. Dr. James has put forth some amazing information and supported it with case studies that he has studied over the years. Moving easily between hard science and spirituality, this book offers an unusual resource for the advancement of our physical and spiritual selves.

—Kathryn Price
Book Editor, Women’s Radio

Because his findings are based upon an innovative combination of scientific evidence, diverse cultural and spiritual wisdom, and therapeutic case histories, James’ conclusions provide stimulating and original theory of how the Great Field is the foundation of everything in the universe-including the personal energy we call soul.

—Julie Clayton
Aug 2009, New Consciousness Review

Therapist John James, PhD, draws on nearly twenty years of therapeutic practice to present elegant and sometimes startling conclusions in his book The Great Field. John James explains about the nature of the universe and its implications for the human experience. Drawing on the established scientific wisdom of biology and astronomy, he shows that everything that exists has been created out of, and within the vast domains, of energy that form the Great Field.

—Irene Watson
Feb 2008, Authorden.com

Examines the relationship between soul and science and so much more, and it makes more sense than most of the hundreds of books that I have ever read on the subject of spirit…uses many examples of scientific studies and clinical therapeutic studies to prove how our fields of energy impact not only our immediate environment but people, animals and environments a long distance or time away…definitely worth reading.

—Cherie Fisher
January 2008, Midwest Book Review

James asserts that the thing which we call empty space is filled with energy fields. These fields affect us and in turn everyone and everything affect all other things and even have something to do with our souls. While the concepts may seem unrealistic, James cites authors and experiments to substantiate his ideas on the Great Field. People who are familiar with the movie What the Bleep Do We Know will notice the similarity in the ideas expressed. An intriguing read.

February 2008

In The Great Field, author John James weaves together the ideas of modern science (quantum physics and string theory), and ancient and indigenous religion to explain
transpersonal psychology.
Transpersonal psychology is an approach to psychology that has, as its foundation, the belief that the human psyche is affected by forces that cannot be observed with the five senses, forces that are outside of our “personal” experience.

It is a complicated and fascinating theory in which he proposes that we are part of a universe that is fully conscious, a universe that can be altered by the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the entire human community both NOW and for as long as there has been a human community, by the community of other life, wherever it is—and that it, in turn, has an influence on us.

Anything, happening anywhere in the universe is instantly transferred to every other part of the universe, via waves in complex electro-magnetic fields and through matter that is energetic. AND, as we are part of that universe, anything that happens anywhere in the universe is transferred instantly to us. Read the author’s fascinating exploration of reincarnation, experiences of transcendence and enlightenment, of genius and of the divine. This is one of the best books I’ve ever read.

—Westlake Public Library Blog
January 2011

The Great Field is a hopeful evolutionary story about the place of the human soul within a vast, energetic universe. Far from being new, it is a perpetual story that we already know, but one that continually evolves as consciousness changes and the human story unfolds. The author presents an absorbing and original investigation into a unified theory: the Great Field. He describes it as a limitless field of energy from which everything has been created and within which everything exists. As a transpersonal psychotherapist, James’ intention is to explore the power of the personal field of energy we call “soul,” within this immense domain. In the latter half of the book the author draws from twenty years of therapeutic practice to describe his experiences of working with clients from this paradigm: therapy becomes “transformation,” and healing occurs in the deeper fields of vibration that form our psyche. Accepting and experiencing what lives beyond the physical senses can “help to clarify all creation and give meaning to the conflicts that so damages our species,” James optimistically concludes. Writing with an innovative synthesis of scientific evidence, cultural wisdom, spiritual truth, and therapeutic data, The Great Field pioneers an original vision of human potential.

—Julie Clayton, Touchstones of the Sacred
January 21, 2010

Shows that everything that exists has been created out of and withing the vast domains of energy that form the Great Field, and that soul-that energetic part of us that connects with the universe-is as powerful a creative factor as DNA in our physical and psychic development.

—Women’s Radio
February 2008

This book is timeless, but never more right for our world than now. James covers many, many aspects of this “great field.” Learn about morphic fields, the Vishnu paradox, and what constitutes the great field. He correlates how energy is relevant to biology and physics, and the human brain (the heart brain and cerebral brain). This book thrusts you into your own personal journey and transformation. It will educate you on deep aspects of soul work and spiritual progression. This book helps you find your soul. It gives you the information and understanding to pursue how such a great field works. It explains its existence. It bewilders you in a profound and wonderful way. More importantly it explains it relevance to each and every one of us. This just isn’t a philosophy book; it is an encyclopedia to help you on your journey to your soul.

—Kathleen Albertson
September 2010, ReviewTheBook.com

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